Jun 1, 2016
Tale of Two Cities
Suburban sprawl, the mantra of the second half of the twentieth century, appears to be gasping its last breaths as baby boomers and...

May 1, 2016
Muslim leaders speak out
Too often the object of fear and derision, true followers of Islam assert the religion is one of love, respect, and peace. It is also one...

May 1, 2016
LGBT policy storm
Michigan is finding itself in the center of a storm over policy recommendations relative to LGBT students that have been developed by the...

May 1, 2016
Stocking waterways with fish
One of the state’s most revered places to fish brown trout runs through Oakland County, namely the Paint Creek. The coldwater stream is a...

Apr 1, 2016
Never-ending abortion fight
Regardless of your personal stance, the statistics bear out that one in three women in the United States of childbearing age currently...

Apr 1, 2016
Watering golf courses
More than 1.1 billion gallons. That's how much water golf course superintendents in Oakland County reported pumping out of rivers, lakes,...

Apr 1, 2016
Recreational pot drive
Approaching the eighth anniversary of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act (MMMA), overwhelmingly approved by Michigan voters, the current...

Mar 1, 2016
What’s below the surface?
Weaving under streets, yards, intersections, between miles of water mains, cables and a network of natural gas lines, four interstate...

Mar 1, 2016
The local lead threat
Health and environmental experts have been warning people for decades about the health risks associated with exposure to lead. But, as...

Feb 1, 2016
Protecting student athletes
Training a student athlete, such as a football player, in the old days, consisted of heading to the school's weight room and pumping iron...