Public meeting to address Walton construction
A public information meeting about the upcoming Walton Boulevard construction project will be held on Thursday, April 26, at the Auburn Hills Public Library by the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC).
The project, which will involve replacing three culverts and resurfacing Walton between Squirrel and Adams Road in Rochester Hills and Auburn Hills, is expected to begin in May and conclude in the late fall. Resurfacing could take place in the spring of 2019.
The meeting will be held from 4-7 p.m. at the library, 3400 East Seyburn, in Auburn Hills. The meeting will be an open-house format, with no formal presentation.
The $5.8 million safety project is being funded by the RCOC, and includes removal of three metal culverts and replacing them with concrete box culverts; concrete curb and gutter repairs; and resurfacing of Walton from Squirrel to Adams.
One side of the boulevard will be closed at all times during the project, but two-way traffic will be maintained on the other side of the boulevard. Residential and business access will be maintained at all times.