Maple Road construction half-way complete
The Maple Road construction project, reconstructing and rebuilding the roadway from Chester to Woodward, is about half done, Birmingham officials report. Work crews have continued to rebuild and enhance underground infrastructure. Recently, they have poured the concrete drive lanes between Old Woodward and Woodward, completed the installation of fiber optic conduits, and begun pouring the concrete parking lanes. All concrete road week at Peabody and Park streets is complete. The installation of sanitary sewer leads between Pierce and Chester streets is now about 80 percent complete, they report, and work crews have installed 500-feet of a 12-inch water main between Pierce and Bates. Sanitary lead installation and two-inch in diameter or less water service lines were being installed between Pierce and Chester. Water and fiber lines are being installed at the Chester and Maple intersection. The city of Birmingham anticipates a late summer completion.