Candidates file for city commission seats
By Lisa Brody
Nine new candidates filed to fill three Birmingham city commission seats in this November's election, with the three long-term commissioners deciding to retire after years on the council, and five candidates filed to fill five seats on the city commission in Bloomfield Hills, including one new candidate.
Candidates who have filed for the three open commission seats in Birmingham are Mo Rabbi Alam, David Bloom, Andrew Haig, Stephen Konja, Anthony J. Long, Michael Lossia, Elaine McLain, Kaite Schafer and Lynda Schrenk.
Birmingham city commissioners serve four-year terms. Commissioners meet twice each month, on the second and fourth Monday nights at 7:30 at city hall. Commissioners are paid $5 per meeting.
In Birmingham, city commissioners Rackeline Hoff, Mark Nickita and Stuart Sherman did not file to run again. Nickita and Sherman had previously announced they were retiring from the commission, Nickita after 12 years; Sherman after 16. Hoff served on the city commission for 20 years. Each has also been active on numerous other boards and commissions in the city, with Nickita serving on the city's planning board for a decade before running for city commission, and each served numerous terms as mayor of Birmingham.
In Bloomfield Hills, four current city commissioners, Bradly J. Baxter, Alice I. Buckley, Susan McCarthy and Sarah H. McClure, have filed to continue serving on the commission, with newcomer Lauren G. Fisher filing to serve on the commission. Incumbent commissioner William E. Hosler did not file to continue on the city commission.
There are five open seats on the Bloomfield Hills city commission. Bloomfield Hills city commissioners serve two-year terms. They meet once each month, on the second Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at city hall. Commissioners are paid $5 per meeting.