Global warming falsehoods
The Coal Ash article (March/Downtown) is based on the premise that there is global warming and that we, humans, can control it. Both assumptions are wrong.
Statistics show that there is no increase in storms, heat waves, wildfires and floods in the last 100 years. Planet earth was formed 4.5 trillion years ago and climate timeline cannot be measured in days but by years,1,000 years timeline at least. No "climate control" measures implemented today will show tomorrow and we will not know for a 100 years if these measures are indeed successful.
Why is there an emergency? Corporations and some governments are interested in making it a "pandemic of fear" now that Covid-19 is over, and make money, a lot of money, too. Advocated is a revolution which will replace, at very high cost, everything that we have now with new technology, even electrical lawn mowers.
The climate "change" cult believes in the need to "save the planet" — becoming a cult/religious revolution in a godless society. In past years we did put all in the “hand of God.” Now technology replaced abstract god with climate change, globalization and no borders. We owe nothing to this new god, certainly not a need for a moral foundation.
While COP26 is ongoing, the kahuna of climate change are careful not to "blame" nature for climate changes, all are man-made disasters for them.
The article did not mention volcanos such as the 35 days active Cumbre Vieja volcano in Canary Island La Palma. It produced clouds of sulfur dioxide (11.5 tons/day) and carbon dioxide (1.147 tons/day). Forty eight volcanoes are active globally as of October 15, 2021. It is widely believed that the enormous ash plume, blocking out the sun's life-giving rays, had such an effect on agriculture that the subsequent starvation was a direct contributor to the French Revolution in 1789.
Indeed, volcanic ash creates a vail which does not permit sunshine to reach our planet and there is a drop in temperature, cooling by one-two degrees centigrade the climate in Europe when the Iceland volcano erupted. At present, volcanoes emit between 130 and 380 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. This dwarfs by far the quasi effort to control "carbon footsteps" and fossil energy.
A bunch of politicians from around the world fly their private jets and play god, an illusion, as if they can affect god-given winter, spring summer and fall.
Isaac Barr MD
Bloomfield Township