S. Old Woodward construction nearing completion
By Lisa Brody
After months of reconstructing S. Old Woodward between Brown and Landon streets, the city of Birmingham announced the end is in sight – with Saturday, November 5, weather permitting – the day officials anticipate reopening the roadway.
According to an email update from the city, “The contractor is currently on schedule to open S. Old Woodward Avenue to traffic and parking by November 5th (weather permitting). Please note, minimal temporary closures of road sections or parking bays may be necessary to complete the final touches. We appreciate your ongoing patience throughout this project.”
The project is the third phase of the city’s downtown streetscape redevelopment project, which included installing new water and sewer lines and other necessary infrastructure along S. Old Woodward, as well as a reconstruction of the streetscape. Phase I of the project included the reconstruction of N. Old Woodward, with the second phase being Maple Road.
New design features include curb bump-outs at each intersections to improve crosswalks for pedestrians, mid-block crosswalks, raised planter beds and landscape features; enhancements that include exposed aggregate concrete, granite bench seating areas, new streetlights and improved on-street accessible parking spaces, each served with an individual sidewalk ramp to improve conditions for those needing accommodations.