S. Old Woodward road work meet February 21
The city of Birmingham is holding a public information session regarding the S. Old Woodward Reconstruction Phase 3 project, scheduled for this spring and summer, on Monday, February 21, from 5-7 p.m., at City Hall in the city commission room.
The S. Old Woodward Reconstruction Phase 3 project will result in new underground infrastructure, streetscape and more between Brown and Landon. The project is the third phase in downtown infrastructure improvements and is a continuation of the work completed in 2018 on other areas along Old Woodward, and in 2020 on Maple.
Design features will include curb bump-outs at each intersections to improve crosswalks for pedestrians, mid-block crosswalks, raised planter beds and landscape features; enhancements that include exposed aggregate concrete, granite bench seating areas and new streetlights; and improved on-street accessible parking spaces, each served with an individual sidewalk ramp to improve conditions for those needing accommodations
Residents and the business community are invited to attend the information session virtually or in person following COVID-19 protocols. Topics on the agenda include: project team introductions, project overview, maintaining traffic/access during construction, Birmingham Shopping District (BSD) construction initiatives, and special assessments.