Senior Center Holiday Blood Drive December 7
The Bloomfield Township Senior Center, 4315 Andover Road in Bloomfield Township, will host a Holiday Blood Drive on Thursday, December 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The blood drive is being held in coordination with the American Red Cross.
The Bloomfield Township Senior Center is urging every able body person to “make a difference in someone's life by donating blood.” According to the American Red Cross, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Yet, only about three percent of those who are age-eligible people donate blood yearly. Every year, millions of people are in dire need of transfusions – and the need does not stop at the holidays.
Bloomfield Township Senior Center Director Christine Tvaroha said, “We are happy to host this important community event and welcome people 17 and over.” She further noted it is the perfect opportunity to help someone and pay it forward.
“Please give a gift that is quite literally life-changing this holiday season,” Tvaroha said.
Those interested in participating can schedule an appointment in advance by visiting Red Cross Blood and enter sponsor code: BHRotary or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1.800.733.2767).
If you have donated blood before, you can save time and use Rapid Pass to complete your pre-donation reading and health history online before your appointment. Just visit Red Cross Rapid Pass or use the Blood Donor App.