Senior/rec center open house Monday, April 29
The public is invited to attend a community open house at Birmingham's future senior/recreation center at the former YMCA at 400 E. Lincoln on Monday, April 29, from 6-8 p.m. to tour the facility, view interactive displays, hear from subject matter experts on plans for the facility and enjoy light refreshments.
The property will soon become the new home of Next Senior Services as well as providing recreational opportunities for Birmingham residents of all ages.
The YMCA plans to continue operating in the building as it determines its future plans.
After years without a permanent home for Next, the city of Birmingham purchased the YMCA building at 400 E. Lincoln in June 2023 after learning that the YMCA planned to sell the building, creating a unique opportunity for Birmingham, the surrounding communities and Next.
The city envisions the property as a future senior/recreation Center for collaborative use. The building will be the home of Next, a 501(c)(3) organization that has provided Birmingham with senior services for the past 45 years, as well as other potential community-based partners, including the YMCA, Birmingham Parks and Recreation services and/or any other users. On November 7, 2023, Birmingham residents approved a senior millage – a .33 mill levy for a three-year term – enabling the city to make interim improvements to the YMCA building and to establish a sinking fund to contribute toward the cost of permanent improvements to the building for use as a senior/recreation center in the future.