Township approves $33.5 million budget
By Lisa Brody
Bloomfield Township trustees unanimously approved the 2021-2022 fiscal year budget, estimated at $33.5 million for all budgeted funds, at their meeting on Monday, March 8.
The 2021-2022 budget represents a 3.6 percent increase from the 2020-2021 budget.
Assumptions in the budget, according to finance director Jason Theis, include a 3.3 increase in taxable value, but Headlee rollbacks will cause a net revenue effect of 2.3 percent. State revenue sharing is estimated to be consistent with the 2020-2021 budget year.
An impact to revenues from the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be felt, with only a partial recovery of some revenues anticipated, such as from passports, EMS, 48th District Court, and other areas, Theis said. There could also be a decrease to some investment earnings due to market volatility.
Revenue to the general fund is expected to include $9.2 million in property taxes; $5 million in transfers from other funds; $3.7 million in state revenue sharing; $1.25 million in rent; and $1.125 million in licenses, permits and fees.
Increases in expenditures include a two-percent increase to full-time wages. Salaries and wages are estimated at $3.6 million. Other key expenditures in the general fund are $12.3 million in transfers to other funds; $1.6 million in rent; and $851,390 in life and health insurance payments.
The public safety fund budget is estimated at $36.3 million. The road fund is estimated at $5.2 million. Senior services is at $1.8 million. The safety path fund is estimated at $3.3 million. Each have their own dedicated millages which provide funding.