Township hazardous waste drop off day October 1
One of the most popular Bloomfield Township events, Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day, will take place on Saturday, October 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Township Hall campus.
Residents have the opportunity to safely dispose of household chemicals such as motor oil and other hazardous materials that can't be poured down the drain or placed in the regular trash. Included in that category are latex and oil-based paint, fluorescent light bulbs/PBC ballasts, household and automotive batteries, gasoline, fire extinguishers, medical sharps (must be in a rigid, puncture resistant container with a lid, such as a coffee can, detergent bottle, milk jug, etc.), and old tires.
Other items accepted for drop off include pesticides, household cleaners, pool chemicals, ammonia, antifreeze, transmission fluid, brake fluid, propane, mercury, aerosol cans, solvents and wood strippers.
The event is open to residents only, as it typically draws around 1,500 cars dropping off hazardous waste. There will be staff to keep cars moving to ensure everyone can participate.
There will be two entrances to the event: south onto Andover Road from Long Lake Road, or west onto Andover Road from southbound Telegraph.
Participants are asked to have their ID out and ready to show volunteers, who will unload everything from cars.