Township library eliminates all overdue fines
As of Monday, April 1, Bloomfield Township Public Library is eliminating all overdue fines for books, DVDs and other materials that are returned after their due date.
Patron accounts with existing overdue fine balances will be waived as of April 1.
The library's administrative staff determined that this change will have a minimal impact on the library’s budget, as overdue fines have accounted for only .02 percent of revenues in recent years. Numerous libraries nationwide that have eliminated overdue fines have observed either a negligible or even positive impact on the rate of items being returned on time, with more patrons returning items promptly compared to when overdue fees were in place.
“Like many other libraries in the community, we have been discussing going fine-free for a while. Many libraries are transitioning to the fine-free model to eliminate barriers that prevent patrons from utilizing the library’s offerings to their fullest potential,” said Tera Moon, library director. “Our goal is to foster an accessible, inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and is not worried, self-conscious, or frustrated because of overdue fines.”
Replacement fees for lost and/or damaged books and materials will continue in accordance with the library's existing policies. Items kept for a prolonged period beyond their due dates will be billed a replacement fee. Patrons with $15 or more in fees on their account will not be able to borrow any more items until overdue items are returned or the fees are paid.