Jul 24, 2018
State under the gun on broken foster care system
The case of seven-year-old Ricky Holland in Michigan gained national attention in 2005 when the boy's adoptive parents claimed he went...

Jun 26, 2018
Testing for radon in schools not always done
Considered the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, radon gas leaches undetected into millions of basements each...

Jun 26, 2018
Military surplus donations to police resume
On August 9, 2014, following the shooting death of Michael Brown, an African American teen, by a white police officer in Ferguson,...

May 22, 2018
Rethinking the cities for Millennials, Baby Boomers
For most urban areas, in the question of the chicken or the egg, it's clear which came first. The metropolis developed from a mature...

May 22, 2018
Sewer overflows: Deluge of issues facing counties
The old saying about foul matter flowing downhill – in this case actual sewage – takes on literal and figurative meanings in metro...

Apr 24, 2018
Vapor contamination: DEQ indoor air monitoring
State health officials on March 1, 2018, notified the Oakland County Health Division that vapor from solvents associated with the dry...

Apr 24, 2018
Organized crime: Then and now in metro area
Cement shoes. Swimming with the fishes. Code of silence. Going to the mattresses. Shakedown. Rat, mobster, soldier, made man, don....

Apr 24, 2018
March diaries: Local students’ view of the protest
On Saturday, March 24, over 800,000 protesters turned out to demonstrate against gun violence in the mall in Washington D.C. for the...

Mar 27, 2018
Local school safety: how well prepared are we?
When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold planned and implemented the complex attack on Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, in Littleton,...

Mar 27, 2018
Neonics: Threat to bees but now wider concern
AÂs economic analysts around the world debate whether new tariffs on steel and aluminum will spark a global trade war with the United...