- Kevin Elliott
Rochester Hills Library holds Holiday Home Tour
The Friends of the Rochester Hills Public Library will feature five area homes on Saturday, November 11, for its 2017 Holiday Home Tour.
This year, the showcase of homes done up in high style for the holidays will be held from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, a change from the tour's traditional Sunday event. The shift avoids a conflict with an increasing number of other holiday-oriented events scheduled for Sundays in November. The change also is an effort to take advantage of people being out-and-about on Saturdays and adding it to their agendas, rather than making a special trip on a Sunday.
Tickets for the event are $25 per individual and may be purchased at Lytle Pharmacy; Sharon's Hallmark locations; Hepplewhite's Furniture; and the Friend's Store inside the Rochester Hills Public Library. Tickets also may be purchased online at rhpl.org. Online payments are via Pay Pal or credit card.
Another change for this year's event is the tour's popular gift boutique, which wil be featured as a sixth stop on the tour and held at the Rochester Hills Public Library's multi-purpose room, at 500 Olde Towne Road in downtown Rochester. The boutique will run from 1 to 6 p.m and is open to anyone visiting the library. Cider and donuts will be available to anyone with a Holiday Home Tour ticket.