- Kevin Elliott
Safety, parking to be reviewed along Elizabeth
Parking restrictions along Elizabeth Street in Rochester that would have shifted parking from the east side of the roadway to west side were placed on hold on Monday, March 12, while the city requested additional information from the Traffic Improvement Association.
Council on January 22 had approved prohibiting parking on the east side of Elizabeth between Hill Street an Parkdale, after residents petitioned the city to address parking and safety concerns. Resident Julie Morris said the lack of sidewalks on the east side of the street in that area and parking issues in front of homes there have led to safety issues and property damage.
Council had approved the request, which Rochester Police Chief Steven Schettenhelm backed at the time. However, residents on the west side of Elizabeth subsequently contacted Schettenhelm and presented their own petition, insisting the change would result in more problems for residents on the opposite side of the road, as well as traffic issues.
Residents on both side of the street agreed that parking and the lack of what they view as safe sidewalks are an issue for all residents. Further, several residents who spoke expressed their frustration with vehicle speeds, and that many who are parking on the street block driveways.
Schettenhelm recommended rescinding the parking restrictions approved in January and requesting the Traffic Improvement Association to assist in conducting a traffic and parking study along the roadway. He also recommended residents reach out to the police department when there are problems, as it has ways of influencing motorists to adhere to local ordinances.
Council elected to set a 60-day deadline to commission a traffic study and forego the previously approved parking restrictions, pending the study. The motion was unanimously approved.