Crestwyk Estates condo development approved
Plans for a 16-unit condominium development on the east side of John R, between School and Hamlin roads, were approved by the Rochester Hills City Council on Monday, April 9.
The project proposal, dubbed Crestwyk Estates Condominiums by developers Mark Gesuale and Jim Polyzois of Shelby Township-based M2J1 LLC, includes a 16-unit, owner occupied project consisting of eight detached ranch homes and four duplex-style units on a 4.44-acre site on John R.
The project is being proposed through a planned unit development (PUD) project. The preliminary PUD and conceptual site plan was approved by the city's planning commission in November of 2011 and approved by city council the following December.
The project site, which is located west of Gravel Ridge, north of Hamlin and south of School Road, includes two wetland areas regulated by the city and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. One of the wetlands is connected to an unnamed tributary of the Honeywell Ditch, which flows through the property, and meets the definition of a stream under state law. A second wetland is within 500 feet of the unnamed tributary, and also meets the definition of a stream.
The larger of the wetlands includes heavy tree coverage, with a sand and gravel bottom that is likely to support wildlife habitat, and is of high quality and function. The second wetland has some non-native species, such as phragmites and glossy buckthorn, with no flood reducing or water quality improvement properties. The smaller wetland with abundant invasive vegetation will be filled in, while the larger, high quality wetland will be maintained and protected on the site.
Council unanimously approved the PUD and site plan application, as well as the wetlands permit.