Anti-gun propaganda
A new edition of Downtown newsmagazine, and right on queue the publisher spews more left wing, anti-gun propaganda blaming the NRA for the Florida high school mass shooting (From The Publisher/April).
It's the NRA's fault that a mentally deranged kid acquired a gun illegally and murdered high school students in Florida. It's the NRA's support for the Constitution that caused the horrendous event at that Florida high school. You don't seem to understand that if a criminal wants to get a gun illegally, he can easily do so.
As one of five million plus NRA members I can't tell you how sick and tired I am of you anti-gun liberals blaming every gun related tragedy on the NRA. Your continued attacks on the NRA and President Trump only encourages us to support the NRA with more dollars and increased membership. So please, direct your energies towards a more productive remedy like identifying potential unstable individuals and getting them the mental health they need, protecting the schools with armed guards and security trained teachers, monitoring social media for "red flags" and taking appropriate action, encouraging social media providers to be active in identifying potential shooters, securing our borders to reduce the illegal criminals entering, changing immigration laws to immediately return illegals entering the country to their native country, eliminating the bogus amnesty excuse used to enter and stay in America, eliminating Obama's "catch and release" insanity, building the wall, etc.
Doug Osterrout
Oakland Township
(Publisher’s response: You may want to reread my column. At no point was the NRA blamed for any shooting. Hard to see through an ideologue’s haze, but the column simply noted that the NRA, with it’s money and boots on the ground, would be a tough foe for anyone pushing for gun control reform.)