Rochester Hills residents invited to tree talk
The city of Rochester Hills on Tuesday, August 28, will host an informal "Twigs, Leaves and Buds" question-and-answer session at the Rochester Tap Room with the city's arborists to talk about tree topics.
The event will run from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rochester Tap Room, 6870 N. Rochester Road. The talking session is part of the city's ongoing efforts to promote, manage and celebrate the benefits trees provide to the community. Attendees may drop in at anytime during the event to ask questions.
"The questions we get daily range from gypsy moths to tree removal," said Rochester Hills Natural Resources Manager Matt Einheuser. "This event gives residents a chance to get their questions answered outside of the 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. timeframe."
The city's arborists maintain more than 19,000 trees along about 280 miles of city-maintained streets, pathways, trail ways, city parks and other areas.