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Kevin Elliott

Rochester police launch Paw Patrol

The Rochester Police Department is asking for help from dog owners and walkers to help launch a neighborhood watch-style patrol program intended to prevent crime in the community.

The "Paw Patrol" program will establish partnerships with the police department and those who regularly walk their dogs in the city. Participants will be trained in a one-hour training session to teach owners and walkers to be more vigilant as they are out walking their pets. The training also will focus on teaching owners how to recognize and report suspicious people, vehicles, and situations to the police department.

"Participants in the program will act as 'eyes and ears' of the Rochester Police Department," Rochester Police Chief Steve Schettenhelm said. "At no time will participants in the program engage with anyone they deem to be acting suspicious. Suspicious situations will simply be called into the Rochester Police Department where the information will be given to the dispatcher who will in turn dispatch police officers to investigate what is reported."

All participants will receive a Rochester Police Paw Patrol scarf for their four-legged family members.

Two one-hour training sessions will be offered on Tuesday, August 28, at 7 p.m. or Saturday, September 15 at 10 a.m. Those interested in joining the program must be Rochester residents, an active dog walker in the community, have a willingness to report suspicious activity, and attend one of the training sessions.

Registration is available at the department's website at, or by contacting Sgt. Lyon at 248.651.9621 for more information.

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