Crime story disparity
I believe I began to receive your online newsmagazine when I worked in Birmingham although I do not live in your immediate coverage area. I have appreciated the articles posted since beginning to receive them. For quite some time, however, I have noticed when your articles highlight crime in the community, the majority of times, when pictures are included, the suspects are African Americans but when crimes are reported where people arrested are reported as residents of Birmingham or Bloomfield Hills, there are rarely pictures included. I called on this before and was told you only include what is sent over by the police, however, as responsible journalists, I would think you'd want to address this disparity justly, even if another entity is sending you the information. Surely, as impartial reporters, your news magazine does not want to be party to planting seeds that subconsciously relay a message that the criminals in the community are only one group of people but those in affluent areas never make mistakes and are comprised purely of socialites, philanthropists and success stories. I write this not to accuse but only to highlight what I've noticed as a reader. We all have a responsibility to make the choice to be conscious of the messages we send. Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts. Carla Stamps Lincoln Park