- By Lisa Brody
BHS begins to phase in in-person schooling
The Bloomfield Hills Schools Board of Education is beginning to phase in in-person teaching and learning, with kindergarten returning Monday, September 21, and other grades following through October 8, with hybrid schedules currently in place, and everything subject to change. For those families that did not choose Virtual Bloomfield, which is the all-virtual option for this school year, teachers and students will begin to return to school in phases, the board of education determined, with Wing Lake and kindergarten students on Monday, September 21; grades 1-5 Thursday, September 24; grades 6-8 Tuesday, September 29; cohort A of grade 9 on Thursday, October 1 and cohort B of grade 9 on Friday, October 2. On Monday, October 5, cohort A of grades 9-12 will attend, and on Thursday, October 8, cohort B of grades 9-12 will attend. The school district's website said that elementary and middle school students will attend half days on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, with Wednesday and the other half of the day for distance learning. High school students will attend either on Monday and Tuesdays, or Thursdays and Fridays, with Wednesdays and other days not attending and relying on distance learning instead. If parents are requesting transportation, they need to fill out a form on the district's website.