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Acupuncture therapy
Renü Acupuncture, offering personalized, compassionate, and holistic treatments, has opened at 189 Townsend Street, Suite 302, in Downtown Birmingham. Founder and owner Valentina Anikeyeva, L.AC., is a fully licensed and board-certified acupuncturist with extensive knowledge of both eastern and western medicine. Anikeyeva has created unique treatments that help her patients live pain free, without the harmful side effects of drugs. With over 25 years of experience, she is well-versed in therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure, massage, cupping and moxibustion. Her vast knowledge of acupuncture has helped rehabilitate hundreds of patients with post operative pain, sports injuries, headaches/migraines, sciatica pain, stress and anxiety. Renü Acupuncture offers acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, cupping, cupping massage, CBD and aromatherapy treatments and shockwave therapy.
Business Matters for the Birmingham - Bloomfield area are reported by Lisa Brody. Send items for consideration to LisaBrody@downtownpublications.com. Items should be received three weeks prior to publication.