Nonpartisan / Vote for three

Amy Hochkammer, a resident of Birmingham, is currently a member of the Birmingham Schools Board of Education and holds the position of treasurer. She is also the president of the Oakland County School Boards Association and is a board member of the Birmingham YMCA.
Role of school board member
School board members work together as a body to define and adopt policy that drives the district’s vision (as represented in the strategic plan and other goals) and that allows the board to monitor the operations of the district. The board seeks involvement and contributions from staff, students, parents and the broader community during the decision-making process and then, once the policy has been adopted, empowers the superintendent to implement it. Boards should strive to evaluate their policies on a regular basis through data analysis and feedback from stakeholders. In addition, school board members enjoy celebrating student success at meetings and attending school performances and activities and events in the community.
Determining curriculum
Local control has always been, and must continue to be, a hallmark of public education in Michigan. The Michigan Department of Education provides academic standards and guidelines for public school districts through the Michigan Merit Curriculum which outlines graduation requirements and serves as a threshold and framework from which districts can develop their own curriculum that is representative of the rigor and culture of the local community. BPS has a very thorough curriculum review and adoption process which includes expertise and input from staff, students and parents. Instructional materials and courses are approved by the board of education; however, parents are always allowed to review material assigned and make decisions about their own student's access to that material. If they choose to opt their student out of any assigned material or text, the teacher will provide the student with an alternative assignment. This process allows for parents to influence their own child's education without limiting or defining the educational experience of other students. While the state standards allow for oversight and ensure that districts are providing an appropriate level of education, local control allows districts to choose their instructional materials, methodology and elective coursework.
Expanded Title IX rules
The new Title IX rules provide federally funded, educational institutions with expanded definitions of sex discrimination, including discrimination based on pregnancy, sex stereotypes, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics. They also promote greater accountability for institutions and protection for those who exercise their Title IX rights. Public schools now have clarification and specificity that is necessary to protect every student and staff member. As a school board member, I am an advocate for all students and staff and as such, I think the expanded rules are necessary to ensure equitable access to education and extra-curricular activities. While the new rules have more clarification and information about how schools can meet their Title IX obligations, they do offer flexibility so that districts can create policies focused on the specific needs of their community.
Pandemic impact on student performance
State assessment data for the 2023 school year show that for grades 3-7, the percentage of students proficient in English Language Arts (ELA) and math on the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (MSTEP) rebounded to pre-pandemic levels at most grade levels; for many the proficient percentage exceeds 2019’s scores. The eighth grade ELA and math PSAT scores have not returned to pre-pandemic levels, however, they are showing improvement due to implemented programming in 2021 including Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, high dosage tutoring, and professional development for staff on standards aligned instruction. The district implemented a new math curriculum for K8 which is vertically teamed with the high school curriculum and state standards and the district is beta testing a new ELA curriculum based on the science of reading, providing early readers with more access to phonics. These curricula changes will help improve scores and enhance the progress of students in math and ELA. At the high school level, we continue to work on our PSAT and SAT scores, ensuring that high school midterms and end of course assessments are standards aligned. Students have access to SAT preparation, through our partnership with Khan Academy, during and after school hours.
School board and political parties
School board elections should remain nonpartisan. While individual board members always bring their own thoughts and experiences to their decision-making process, they cannot be beholden to identity politics or individuals who may sway them to vote in a particular manner. School board members are tasked with making decisions that are in the best interest of students. Issues such as budgeting, facilities improvement and strategic planning are usually grounded in district specific issues, and not a broader political stance; they are just as important to the success of our students and the academic outcomes that we are seeking for them. Having said that, it is a fact that many school board candidates, which includes me, are being endorsed by either the local teachers’ union or a local political club that identifies with either the Democratic or Republican party. School board candidates who seek these endorsements are engaging with their constituents, and these endorsements allow for greater connections and community information.
Why vote for you
I am the right person to serve as a school board member because I bring experience, passion and commitment to my candidacy. I began serving on the Birmingham Board of Education in 2019. Since that time the board and the district have successfully navigated the Covid 19 pandemic, hired a new superintendent, carefully managed a large, potential financial shortfall and developed, approved and implemented a 5-year strategic plan which serves as our district roadmap. A board member cannot effect change on their own; boards must work together with the superintendent to create a culture that promotes academic success and social well-being. I have 25 years of experience working in banking and finance. I have served as President, Vice President and, most currently, as Treasurer of the Birmingham Board of Education. My experience provides me with the skills necessary to continue to improve academic outcomes and to continue to strengthen the district’s financial position which are both key elements of the district’s strategic plan. By making sure that every student has access to academic and extra-curricular programming that meets their interests and needs, the board and the district can continue to address student mental health and well-being.

Nancy Pomish resides in Bloomfield Township and works in human resources at PCU Industries.
The role of a school board member
As a board member, I serve as a representative for families in the district. I also believe that the board must seek to work as a team, not individually, to create and or amend policy. Finally, I will work with my colleagues to supervise the superintendent, oversee policy, curriculum, and a balanced budget in the district.
Determining curriculum
Curriculum must be determined locally as each community has its own unique needs. That is why our local school board, which represents the parents in the district, is legally obligated to approve curriculum.
Expanded Title IX rules
I support the historic intent of Title IX which is to protect women and girls, by providing a safe and fair competitive platform in educational opportunities, including sports.
Pandemic impact on student performance
I have looked at the historical data, BPS was on a downward trend before the pandemic, unfortunately, Covid exacerbated the trend. Additionally, the trend of focusing on social issues rather than academics may have impacted our recovery which has not been significant. However, Covid relief dollars for tutoring was very impactful.
School board and political parties
I am a decidedly moderate candidate, who strongly endorses local control. The board should remain nonpartisan. It enables all sides of the political spectrum to engage without the added tension of party labels. I believe we should empower parents and our diverse community to engage with the school board on issues such as financial stability, a balanced budget, common sense classrooms, and policy making decisions.
Why vote for you
For 25+ years I held the position of human resource manager for our family business. Now, as the grandmother of two granddaughters who attend Bingham Farms Elementary School, I believe I bring a unique perspective and experience to the Board.

Jennifer Rass, a resident of Beverly Hills, is currently a member of the Birmingham Schools Board of Education and holds the position of president. Rass is the Communications Director for Synopsys. She is a board member of the Birmingham Youth Assistance and the Birmingham Education Foundation.
Role of a school board member
A school board member’s primary role is to oversee the education of the students in the
district. These elected citizens must work together to make decisions that may have a lasting impact on our community. Additionally, the school board is also responsible for:
● Hiring a superintendent who manages the operations of the district and oversees the
efforts of all schools.
● Forward thinking and long-term planning for the district’s future, setting goals and
developing strategies focusing on the values, mission and vision.
● Advocating for high-quality education; supporting the development an achievement of
all children.
● Ensuring that policies and resources align with the district’s mission and values.
● Continuously assessing the district’s performance
● Informing and engaging the public regarding the state of the district and determining curriculum in the classroom
Determining curriculum
As I currently serve as president of the board, I have witnessed first hand the importance of having the community engaged while making informed decisions regarding curriculum, budgeting, and policy. A great example of this is the creation of our Strategic Plan. As part of the process, more than 6,200 community responses from parents, students, and other stakeholders were gathered and considered. This survey provided quantitative data toward understanding the vision of our community. We also have an extensive Curriculum Review Committee process that includes parents, educators, community members, and students who are provided and encouraged to participate in several opportunities to review, provide feedback and ask questions regarding new curricula. Collaboration between parents and educators regarding materials is essential for success. However, what subject matter is taught in our schools, for example when to teach American History or which books are taught in certain literature classes, I would entrust those decisions to the experts, our educators.
Expanded Title IX rules
In 1972, Congress signed into law and enacted Title IX of the Education Amendments, which states: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. It is imperative that we protect the rights of all students and ensure they feel safe and secure. I fully support the district’s commitment in creating a secure and nurturing educational setting that remains unwavering; we strive to foster an atmosphere where every staff member and child feels a sense of belonging. As these court cases and rules are pending, I believe it is important for the board to support a policy that allows the superintendent to implement administrative guidelines that will give the district flexibility to closely monitor ongoing litigation and make legal updates as appropriate which will further protect district interests.
Pandemic impact on student performance
After Covid-19, our district partnered with Hanover Research to conduct an equity audit that included an equity and inclusion survey and analysis, and an academic and behavior equity data analysis. As a result, the district is committed to providing a comprehensive Education which ensures that our students thrive academically and personally. When talking about student achievement by engaging students, teachers and the community in district-wide initiatives such as curriculum review cycles, curriculum development and assessment selection, we have learned in our study sessions that this cultivates an educational community where all students can reach their fullest potential. One example is that this approach has helped to improve our Black student achievement in our district. We have seen this first hand in several areas of state-testing where the data speaks to the improvement. We definitely have room to improve, but implementing what we learned from our Hanover partnership has assisted us in helping to bridge our achievement gap.
School board and political parties
The political landscape has changed dramatically from when I previously ran for this position six years ago. While school board elections in Michigan are nonpartisan, they have, unfortunately, become a new battleground for political parties. We must remain true to the task at hand, ensuring what is best for all students in our school district. I firmly believe politics have no room at the board table. One individual board member's values should not cloud one’s judgment with regards to what is best for all students. I am a strong advocate for our children and teachers and would be proud to represent the entire Birmingham School District community. I believe one of the most important tasks would be to make certain the BPS mission is upheld, “in partnership with parents and the community, Birmingham Public Schools will provide educational excellence that empowers students to cultivate their individual brilliance and positively impact their world.”
Why vote for you
Five and a half years ago, I took an oath to serve the Birmingham School District as a newly elected board of education trustee. I have taken that commitment seriously and have made decisions always focusing on what is best for all students in our district. My inspiration for running was to give back to what has provided an exceptional educational foundation for my two children. I believe my professional and board experience, as well as my community involvement, prove that I am qualified to serve in this important role for a second term. I am a strong advocate for our children and teachers and would be proud to represent the entire BPS community. It’s an exciting time, as we are half-way through our strategic plan. I would like to continue to focus on: Resource allocation - As stewards of taxpayers’ money, we must be efficient and effective in allocating resources that are most impactful for academic achievement for all students. Advocacy – Enhancing academic careers and improving all learners; all students deserve a world-class education. Strong community partnerships – Continue to establish and enhance partnerships in the community. We have a tremendous amount of opportunities before us and are making great strides.

Jason Tejani, a resident of Birmingham, is an attorney and scientist and is a visiting lecturer at the Harvard Medical School.
Role of a school board member
I believe Birmingham Public School Board Trustees play a vital role in governing the district. While not managing daily operations, they are responsible for establishing policies, goals, and strategic direction that guide decision-making and shape the educational environment. Board members collaborate to develop, adopt, and review district policies that impact all aspects of operations. They also serve as a link between the district and community, ensuring public concerns are reflected in board priorities and decisions. Although the superintendent handles day-to-day management, the board oversees and evaluates their performance to ensure effective implementation of the strategic plan (e.g., BPS Strategic Plan 2022-2027), efficient resource allocation, and achievement of academic benchmarks. This requires monitoring district performance and asking probing questions while respecting the expertise of the administrative team. Lastly, board members have fiduciary duties to ensure responsible budgeting, proper maintenance of facilities, and compliance with laws and regulations. By thoughtfully fulfilling these multifaceted responsibilities, board members can foster an educational environment that supports student success, reflects community values, and positions the district for long-term success.
Determining curriculum
As a candidate, I believe that local school districts, working in close partnership with parents, teachers, and education experts, are best positioned to make decisions about curriculum and subject matter. While the state sets broad educational standards, the specifics of what is taught in the classroom should be determined at the local level. Local districts are attuned to the challenges, demographics, and priorities of the families they serve. Curricular decisions cannot be made by popular vote alone. Community input must be balanced with the expertise of our educators who understand how to scaffold skills and knowledge across grade levels to ensure student success. Our teachers and school leaders have deep knowledge of learning science, child development, and instructional best practices. I support proactive engagement with parents and community members. The Curriculum Review Committee, including teachers, parents, and students, allows for essential dialogue around a curriculum upholding high academic standards, aligning with community values, and preparing students for college, career, and civic life. Additionally, our BPS's Strategic Plan was shaped by over 6,200 responses from parents, students, and other stakeholders. This extensive feedback helped ensure that the board's decisions were grounded in the experiences and needs of our community.
Expanded Title IX rules
I believe it is crucial to prioritize the well-being, safety, and academic success of all students, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy status. While I understand the concerns raised by some conservative groups, I support the spirit and intent behind the new Title IX rules. I rely on unbiased evidence and data to support my decision-making process. Studies show that LGBTQ+ and pregnant students in educational settings face higher rates of discrimination, harassment, and barriers to equal educational opportunities compared to their peers. As a BPS school board trustee, my primary responsibility is to create a learning environment that promotes well-being, safety, and academic success for all students. Policies and practices should align with the principles of non-discrimination and equal access to education. If elected, I will work collaboratively with my fellow trustees, administrators, teachers, parents and students to develop and implement policies that promote the well-being, safety, and academic success of all students. I will advocate for resources, training, and support to help our BPS community understand and comply with any changes to Title IX regulations, while remaining sensitive to the diverse perspectives and concerns of all members of the BPS community.
Pandemic impact on student performance
Data provided in the 2023 State Assessment shows the district has largely avoided the significant learning losses seen in other districts post-pandemic. In ELA/Literacy, grades 3-7 have seen either significant improvement or no significant change compared to pre-pandemic (2019) levels. Notably, grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 exceed their 2019 proficiency levels. Similarly, in mathematics, grades 3-7 have trended upward; grades 3, 4, 5, and 7 now exceed their 2019 proficiency levels. BPS has weathered the pandemic disruptions well based on the testing data, the scores for grade 8 have yet to rebound. Notably, the district has taken several steps to address these learning gaps, including (1) implementing district-wide MTSS for ELA/Literacy in grades K-8, (2) continuing high-dosage tutoring for grades K-12 in ELA/Literacy and Mathematics, (3) providing professional development for teachers on standards-aligned instruction, close reading, and vocabulary for grades K-8 ELA/Literacy, and (4) engaging with parents to provide resources for learning at home (e.g., partnership with Khan Academy). To address the lack of rebound in grade 8 scores, BPS should conduct assessments to identify students needing support, continue the successful initiatives described above, and monitor student progress to quickly address gaps.
School board and political parties
I believe school board elections should remain nonpartisan. While board members may hold personal political views, explicitly introducing party politics into school governance would be detrimental. Nonpartisan elections help ensure that school board members focus on the best interests of students and the district. Injecting party labels risks turning every substantive debate into an ideological battle, making compromise difficult. It could also discourage qualified candidates from running and allow special interests to wield outsized influence. In fact, a 2017 survey of school board members in North Carolina and Georgia, where partisan races are permitted, found that reminding members of each party's position on an issue influenced their opinions. Partisan elections could make school boards more adversarial, reducing the quality of decision-making, as members may evaluate ideas based on party lines. Yet, the lack of party labels does not mean school board elections are apolitical. Candidates should be transparent about their positions on key issues facing the district. Voters have a right to understand where we stand. The board provides effective governance and oversight; every student should receive a quality education. Adding a partisan dimension would distract from that critical mission. BPS and districts nationwide should maintain nonpartisan school board elections.
Why vote for you
As a former chemist turned attorney, I've spent my career navigating complex issues, finding common ground, and seeking practical solutions. My interest in serving as a board trustee stems from a love of learning that I commit to using to promote a positive educational experience in which every student feels valued and supported and in which student safety is non-negotiable such that every student has the opportunity to excel. As a board trustee, I will focus on three key areas: fostering a love of learning, ensuring a positive experience for every student, and maintaining a safe learning environment. As a “life-long learner,” I’m focused on creating an environment where students are genuinely excited to learn. This means supporting diverse and engaging teaching methods that spark curiosity. I’m committed to making sure every student feels valued and supported. This involves enhancing resources for mental health, extracurricular activities, and promoting a culture of respect. I will back policies that keep our schools safe, addressing aspects from physical security to bullying. Student safety is non-negotiable.