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New robotic technology
Rather than hands-on physical therapy, Robotic Relief Therapy, 43207 Woodward Avenue in the Kingswood Shopping Center in Bloomfield Township, uses the RX2600 therapeutic robot to administer gentle pressure in intervals to a specific muscle. “This process relaxes muscles as well as relieves aches and pains,” they state on their website. A session at Robotic Relief Therapy will consist of reviewing a patient’s individual medical history and taking readings of their general biomechanics. They then test to see which muscles are inhibiting the patient, it may be one or several. After they pinpoint the specific problem, they use the RX2600 therapeutic robot which administers gentle pressure in intervals to a specific area of a muscle, which relaxes and lengthens the muscle fibers, resulting in reduced pain and greater mobility. They note that many patients come to them after trying numerous other places and other therapy modalities.
Business Matters for the Birmingham - Bloomfield area are reported by Lisa Brody. Send items for consideration to LisaBrody@downtownpublications.com. Items should be received three weeks prior to publication.