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Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield Hills



Jeremy Moss is currently finishing his first term as a Michigan state Senator. He previously served as a Southfield city councilman and state representative. He is a graduate of Michigan State University who majored in journalism and political science, and is a resident of Southfield. He has been active as an advisory board member on the Dr. Martin Luther King Task Force and Fair Michigan, and Congregation Beth Ahm.

Abortion ballot issue

Voters will be asked whether they support cementing abortion rights in the Michigan Constitution when they vote this November. How do you plan on voting on this issue? Please explain your answer.

I am a pro-choice legislator. I do not believe government should dictate how women and families access reproductive care. I’m appalled and disgusted by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade. This ruling is dangerous and will immediately put women’s health at risk, stripping away their bodily autonomy and imposing personal health and family planning decisions upon them. It is also out-of-touch and discards the real-life implications that families deal with and dictates policy that a majority in this state and country do not want. We need a pro-choice majority in the legislature to repeal the 1931 Michigan law making abortion a felony in our state. I have already co-sponsored legislation to repeal that law and I enthusiastically support the Reproductive Freedom for All campaign to enshrine the right to choose in our state Constitution.

Voting rights and policies

Voters are also going to be asked to establish changes in voting policies, including early voting, absentee voting, and the use of drop boxes. How do you plan on voting on this issue? Please explain your answer.

Voting rights secure all other rights. I join the two-thirds of Michigan voters who supported Proposal 3 in 2018 to enshrine voting rights and promote access to absentee voting. I support similar efforts to protect these rights that may be on our November ballot. Nevertheless, Republican Senators have introduced legislation to restrict how you vote, chasing disproven claims about our election. I am leading the fight in the state Senate against Republican bills that could make it harder for you to vote. Instead, we should be embracing positive reforms that keep voting fair, accessible and efficient. We must ensure that Michigan's election administrators receive adequate resources and proper training for each election. I'm also working on proposals to permit clerks to start processing absentee ballots earlier, just as other states do, thereby expediting the results and avoiding election night chaos.

Term limits and transparency

Voters this November will be asked whether they support changes in term limits and to enact financial transparency regulations for members of the legislature and administration. Are you supporting this ballot issue? Please explain your answer.

I supported bringing this proposal to the ballot for voters to decide and I will vote for it. The current system is flawed, especially in the House where we have seen years of legislative scandals due to inexperience, ineptitude, and unaccountability. Lawmakers in consequential leadership positions – some who earn these influential spots in just their first year in office – make short-term policy decisions with impunity because they won’t be around when future legislators clean up their mess. This proposal also requires state lawmakers to disclose our personal finances, an effort I’ve long supported and have voluntarily provided. Michigan is one of only two states without that type of disclosure, therefore allowing lawmakers to introduce and vote on legislation that could personally enrich them. We must fix this.

Legislative bans on education topics

In 24 states legislation has been introduced to restrict or outright ban the teaching and/or discussion of certain topics such as race, racism, gender-based issues and how American history is taught in the K-12 public school system. Critics of these efforts to restrict what is taught in public schools say such legislation prevents open inquiry into important issues. Should the state legislature in Michigan dictate or restrict what is taught in public school classrooms? Would you support such legislation? Why or why not? Please be specific in your answer.

In 2016, I co-sponsored legislation that was signed into law requiring instruction in Michigan public school curriculum on genocide, including the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide. That bill passed 105-1 in the House and 35-3 in the Senate because our legislature at the time recognized that by requiring our students to learn in the classroom about past atrocities – factually and comprehensively – we are providing the most impactful tool to ensure they are not repeated. This approach allows our students to strengthen their sense of empathy for those who may look or seem different and their resolve to take action against injustice and prejudice. We have more work to do. Sadly, an effort that was once overwhelmingly bipartisan has now been politicized and I do not support efforts in the legislature to repeal this type of curriculum or restrict truth in education.

Highland Park Water and Sewer debt

Highland Park, a member of the Great Lakes Water Authority, since 2012 has failed to pay for what now amounts to over $54 million in water and sewer debt, which means member communities in Oakland County will be placed in a position to underwrite this debt whether through increased rates for water and sewer or tapping budget reserves to accomplish the same. The state of Michigan has failed to deal with this issue. What do you think should be the solution to this growing problem of a GLWA member community failing to pay for water and sewer services? Please be specific.

This specific billing dispute is currently working its way through court and no other community should absorb liabilities as we await legal clarity on exactly what debts are owed. I’m a fierce advocate for government transparency and GLWA must ensure full disclosure on how this issue escalated to this point. The core problem is decades-long disinvestment in our communities by state government. Generations of legislators slashed revenue sharing – tax dollars we send to Lansing with the expectation they will fund essential services back home – and, as a result, cities in Michigan receive the least state support compared to cities around the country. Highland Park defaulted into emergency management due to funding cuts and emergency management accelerated the crisis the city is facing today. I established the Municipal Caucus in the legislature, a bipartisan group of legislators who previously served in local government focused on solving our broken municipal finance system.

2020 presidential election results

Do you accept the presidential election results of 2020 in Michigan? Will you accept the results of the 2022 primary and general election? Explain why or why not.

The 2020 election was the most scrutinized election in Michigan history. A bipartisan Michigan Senate Oversight Committee report found that indeed the results were accurate and there is no systemic fraud in our voting systems. I accept the result of the 2020 election and will accept the results of the 2022 as an accurate reflection of the will of Michigan voters.

Right of redress

The Michigan House and Senate have in the past employed seldom used maneuvers to prevent the public from challenging laws that were enacted. Lawmakers accomplish this by attaching an expenditure provision to the legislation which then prevents citizens from petitioning to overturn the law. Citizens in Michigan are allowed referendum rights when it comes to legislation but not laws involving spending. Do you think that such legal maneuvers should be used by the legislature or do such actions diminish the rights of the public to challenge what lawmakers have adopted? What can be done to eliminate such maneuvers on the part of the legislature?

Gov. Whitmer has rightfully required policy bills and spending bills be drafted separately to gain her signature and become law, and I support that approach to prevent manipulation of the referendum process.As state Senator, I have led many reforms to increase public participation in our lawmaking process when bad actors in the Legislature instead work to diminish it. The Michigan Constitution guarantees that citizens can put an initiative on the ballot if they gather enough signatures, but that proposal first appears before the legislature, where a simple majority in each chamber could adopt it without sending it to a public vote. We’ve seen shameful legislative tactics deployed to fast-track some proposals and prevent others from ever becoming law. I introduced a resolution to increase the threshold for the legislature to pass a public-led proposal – from a simple majority to three-quarters vote – otherwise, it must go to the ballot.

Top five issues

What would you list as your top five issues if elected to this position.

In addition to protecting reproductive rights and voting rights, as outlined above, my other top issues include: Demanding action on common-sense gun reform: I sponsored and co-sponsored well-researched, proven measures that would mitigate gun violence in our communities, including universal background checks, safe storage requirements, reduced magazine capacity, and red flag laws. Investing in public education: I was educated in our district (2004 Groves High School graduate) and proudly voted in the Senate to return the investment by delivering an historic K-12 budget that provides more equitable funding among public school districts. Tackling rising everyday costs: We’re all feeling pain at the gas pump and with everyday costs, and I am leading the fight to strengthen Michigan’s price gouging law, while working to provide financial relief by championing legislation to repeal the retirement tax and restore the earned income tax credit.



Corinne Khederian is a former Bloomfield Township trustee, member of Bloomfield Township Election Commission, and zoning board of appeals. An attorney and community volunteer, she is active in Republican politics as vice chair and member of the Oakland County Republican Party. She previously served as director of district affairs for former state Sen. John Pappageorge and was executive office representative for Oakland County for former Secretary of State Ruth Johnson. She is co-chair of state of Michigan, Armenian Assembly of America, and previously was vice chair, State of Michigan Governor’s Council on Genocide and Holocaust Education, appointed by Governor Rick Snyder. A resident of Bloomfield Township, she earned her bachelor's degree from State University of New York at Binghamton and her law degree from Syracuse University.

Abortion Ballot Issue

If this ballot proposal to enshrine abortion rights is placed on the ballot in November, I will be voting against it since the circumstances allowing for abortion in this proposal is too expansive. For example, this ballot proposal wrongly allows for abortion up to the time of birth, and further, allows minors to obtain an abortion without the consent of their parents. I am a pro-life candidate and believe in allowing for abortion only in the following circumstances: 1) a woman’s life is in question; 2) a woman is a victim of rape; 3) a woman is a victim of incest.

Voting Rights and Policies

I will be voting against it since it opens up the possibility of abuse and puts into question security concerns. I am against this proposal since it allows for convicted and incarcerated felons to vote in our elections and further, it allows voters to vote without a government issued ID. I believe that every United States citizen that is a resident of the state of Michigan should have the right to legally vote in Michigan elections. Every citizen should provide a government photo identification as a requirement to vote to ensure election integrity. Further, signatures should be verified. Absentee ballots should only be mailed upon request. Voter rolls should be cleaned up eliminating those who are no longer residents of Michigan and those who have died. Safeguards must be in place so that citizens feel secure in the outcome of elections.

Term limits and transparency

While I am in favor of one part of the ballot proposal allowing for a lawmaker to serve up to 12 years in the Senate or House, I will be voting against the ballot proposal since I am opposed to all the disclosures required by it. My reasons are as follows: 1)I am in favor of lawmakers serving 12 years in House or Senate – There is a learning curve to serve as a lawmaker and just when they do, they are term limited. This portion of the ballot proposal allows for a seasoned lawmaker who has learned the process and knows the needs and wants of their constituency to continue to intelligently serve. 2) I am opposed to lawmakers needing to divulge all personal and private aspects of their life in order to serve in office as long as they have not committed a crime or fraudulent activity.

Legislative bans on education topics

I believe that the legislature can monitor what is taught in public school classrooms. Parents are speaking up in the face of restrictive mandates and liberal teaching gone too far. Parents clearly want their children to go to school to learn what school was originally intended to teach their children which is reading, writing, history, math, science, arts and essential life skills (such as personal finance, trade and home economic skills) so that they are well prepared for the outside world when they graduate. Public schools are not meant to go outside these parameters to indoctrinate children with particular ideologies and politicizing issues. If they do, I believe it is the role of the legislature to protect a student’s access to an appropriate quality education and the parent’s say in their child’s education. I support Education Savings Accounts allowing parents to determine which educational option is best for their child whether it be public, private or home schooling.

Highland Park Water and Sewer Debt

This is a very difficult issue that has come up at a time when Michigan families are already struggling with inflation and meeting household bills, including expensive water bills. To put the burden of Highland Park’s debt on Oakland County communities is not fair and correct. This is an issue for Highland Park to resolve and not the state of Michigan. Highland Park must work in good faith with GLWA to come up with a plan of debt forgiveness and debt repayment.

2020 Presidential Election results

I think we should move forward to make sure that legitimate concerns about how our elections were conducted in 2020 do not occur again and that all laws are followed properly in future elections. I support voter ID requirements and election laws that do not allow criminals, cheaters, dead persons and non-citizens to vote. Further, a mass mailing of absentee ballot applications by the Michigan Secretary of State during the 2020 election cycle to all registered voters was illegal and in the future existing state law should be followed which says that only local officials can send applications to citizens who request them. Also, if a vote is to be audited, it should only be done by a forensic audit which is the only meaningful type of audit so that all parties are satisfied with the outcome. I accept the results of the 2022 primary and will accept the results of the 2022 general election barring fraudulent activity.

Right of Redress

While I appreciate these questions, they are complex and require me to do thorough research before responding. Unfortunately, given the time constraints to submit my answers for publication, I have not had the opportunity to do the necessary research to thoughtfully answer them at this time.

Top Five Issues

If elected to serve in the Senate, the following are my top six issues: 1) Economy – Inflation is out of control. Government has to eliminate burdensome regulations, lower/eliminate taxes and let businesses succeed and create good, high paying jobs. 2) Education – Every child deserves access to a quality education and every parent deserves a say in their child’s education. 3) Election Security – Every US citizen should have the right to legally vote. Voters must present ID in order to vote and other safeguards should be in place to ensure secure and fair elections. 4) Energy Independence – Lower gas prices and invest in energy resources at home. 5) Law Enforcement – Support our police and increase police funding and investment in programs including training and onsite counseling. 6) Mental Illness – Must be addressed as it is a major root cause of crime and homelessness. A program ensuring the mentally ill quality mental care is key.

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