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The missing Black statistics
I like David Hohendorf’s columns. What I find missing in his statements and in the news media is any reference to data with respect to police interaction with Black people.
The statistics are readily available online and in the Washington Post’s database of fatal police shootings. The number of unarmed Black shooting victims is apparently down 63 percent from 2015 when the data base began. For 2019 there were 14 unarmed Black victims and 25 unarmed White victims. There are about 7,300 Black homicide victims a year depending on which source you use. So the 14 victims in 2019 were .0002 percent of the total.
I suspect the majority of the nationwide victims were in the larger metropolitan areas and were more often than not, killed by other Blacks. Those areas have something in common. For the last 60 to 70 years, they have been governed by the Democratic party. But the racist accusations are always meant for Republicans.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a highly regarded and principled Democrat, published a study that opined the primary reasons for the struggles of Blacks in the inner city is the lack of a family unit with a dad, and poor education. But today’s politicians never mention those factors but instead continue to allege systemic racism as a means of trying to retain their own power.
Name withheld upon request