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Triangle District commitment
The Triangle District should be part of "Downtown" Birmingham but will never be part of downtown without a commitment by the city.
A pedestrian bridge across Woodward would be a grand addition to Downtown Birmingham. The fact that eastbound Maple traffic can make a right turn on red and threaten pedestrian traffic is only a small indication of how little thought is given to the Triangle District by city officials.
"Woodward is under control of MDOT, so we can't do that" is what I am told. Pedestrian traffic is exactly what makes Europe so charming in contrast to the endless strip malls that line West Bloomfield. Imagine crossing Woodward in safety as opposed to running for your life.
The Triangle District appears to be the red headed stepchild of the city with little thought given to integration of the district to the urban core. It is time to reverse that direction.
Michael Heilmann