Jun 25, 2019
Time to pay the piper
I watch the comments on the issue of the Bloomfield Township SAD and have to chuckle. Yea, chuckle. No one wants their taxes to go up....
May 21, 2019
Clean water for homes
Concerned about toxins and contaminants in your family’s water? A new retail showroom in downtown Birmingham offers an opportunity for...
May 21, 2019
Protect our police/fire
Funding always has been and always will be an issue with municipal government. Bloomfield Township is no exception. On Aug. 6 the...
May 21, 2019
Official's false statements
Never in our combined 60-plus years of service to Bloomfield Township did we ever think we would need to reply to the totally false...
May 21, 2019
Rude, unfair comments
I was reading the May 2019 Downtown Publication’s Oakland Confidential section today. You weren’t joking when you described the section...
Apr 23, 2019
The Bates Street project
Much like our own properties that eventually require some reinvestment due to an aging roof, failing furnace or crumbling driveway,...
Apr 23, 2019
Bates project direction wrong
We write as co-authors from two dramatically different points of view. For 18 years, we have disagreed with each other fundamentally on...
Apr 23, 2019
Politician PR handout
It is literally amazing that you appear to be printing, without attribution, some PR handout from a politician, or something that must be...
Apr 23, 2019
Potential great harm
I live in Birmingham and receive your publication. I really enjoyed David Hohendorf’s article on “Progressives” (April/Downtown). Very...
Mar 26, 2019
Disappointing Okma story
Thank you for your story by Lisa Brody covering the problems at the Okma International Academy (Downtown/March). Downtown is one of the...