Two fitness facilities approved for township
A new pilates studio and a new cycling fitness facility both had their site plans and special land use requests unanimously approved at the Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, October 9.
SLT, standing for Strengthen–Lengthen–Tone, is a pilates studio based in New York City with numerous locations on the east coast, submitted a site plan for 3630 W. Maple Road at Lahser in the Village Knoll strip center, by Kroger. It would take the place of the Pack & Ship store, which has the option, according to the owner of Pack & Ship, to move to another location in the center.
Patti Voelker, township planning, building and ordinance director, informed trustees SLT was seeking a special land use request in order to operate from 5:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m during the week, and 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m on weekends. The 1,975 square foot location would have 12 exercise machines and an instructor, two restrooms, and no showers.
The facility would offer classes at hourly intervals, with each class, which is taught on a reformer-type machine, lasting 50 minutes. There would be no food or juice service.
According to SLT’s website, “SLT is challenging and unlike any other workout out there. We plank, we lunge, we twist, we pulse…we constantly provide you with fun, unique and intense exercises that help to make you stronger and leaner. The full body workout is done with the assistance and resistance of weighted springs, thus requiring constant engagement of the core…for 50 minutes straight.”
Eric Unatin, a vice president at Mid-America Real Estate Group, told trustees that SLT has 20 locations, and this one would be their 21st. “The peak times are early in the mornings and then later in the day, at 4:30, 5.”
To questions from trustees about music perhaps disturbing other retailers or neighbors, he said, “They will be playing music, but it will not be exceeding decibel levels. They will be soundproofing so no one is disturbed outside the shopping center.”
There was concerns about traffic flow at the center and possible shortages of parking, but Voelker said that was not what was before trustees, as it was determined there was adequate parking. Attorney Bill Hampton pointed out, “If the site plan meets the ordinance, you have no grounds to deny the site plan.”
Both the site plan and request to have the hours extended were approved 7-0.
Cyclebar Fitness Facility, at 2125 S. Telegraph Road, also came before trustees, for a studio next to the Panera location that would partially fill the former Art Van location, Voelker said. She said they would like to be open from 5:30 a.m. - 9 p.m daily; Panera is open 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.
This would be the third location for Cyclebar Fitness, “so they have a pretty sound understanding of their operations and time of operations,” Voelker informed trustees.
“You have to reserve your bike,” Voelker said. “There are no walk-in opportunities; you can’t just drop in. They also will be providing soundproofing, as is customary in their operations.”
Trustees approved both their site plan and request for extended hours, 7-0.