Prosecutors want more info on Cranbrook party
The Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office has told the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department it needs more information before it can go forward with possible criminal charges from an October 28 house party hosted by two Cranbrook Kingswood High School students at an Oakland Township home where two girls alleged they were sexually assaulted by a fellow Cranbrook student.
Evidence was presented to the prosecutor’s office in November, but “we have told them we need more information,” said chief deputy prosecutor Paul Walton.
Oakland County Undersheriff Michael McCabe said the victims, ages 16 and 17, both Cranbrook students, spoke with investigators in the two days following an alleged house party where it is believed about 100 youth gathered. The victims told investigators they were sexually assaulted at the home while attending the party.
The father of one of the two girls who hosted the party is the owner of the home and was home at the time of the party, according to several sources.
One of the victims who the the sheriff’s office and prosecutors have identified has been very persistent in her story, Walton said. Other sources have said that one of the two girls has since failed to press ahead with charges
Aside from the two sexual assault investigations, detectives have been interested in learning more about who hosted the party, whether they supplied alcohol to minors and additional details.
McCabe said, “We know for a fact that an adult was there. If there was involvement and facilitation, there will be criminal charges.” Information could help in furthering leads in the sexual assault cases, as well as potential enforcement of local and state ordinances regarding alcohol-related laws, such as hosting and furnishing alcohol to minors or contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
“We’ve had a couple of people come forward, kids who attended the party,” with information, McCabe said, but “the sheriff’s office is disappointed more haven’t come forward.” They are still seeking more information from people who were at the party, as well as anyone who may have witnessed the alleged sexual assault.
Cranbrook is said to have done their own internal investigation of the party, but has been tight-lipped in relaying what, if any, repercussions there will be for students who may have been at the party, consumed alcohol, hosted, or possibly were involved in a sexual assault. Unconfirmed reports have suggested that the two girls who hosted the party did appear before a school student/faculty review board that considers violations of school policy and the panel did not recommend any action against the students.
Clay Matthews, spokesperson for the school, said in a prepared statement, “The safety of our students is Cranbrook’s highest priority. While we do not, as a matter of policy, provide details on specific student matters, we can say that we have completed our investigation and will continue to take appropriate action.”
Matthews refused to comment regarding an out-of-state student who was expelled after he returned to the dorm after the party and admitted he had been drinking at the event.
Investigators ask anyone who may have attended the party or has information about the alleged assaults to contact the Oakland County Sheriff's Office Oakland Township Substation at 248.652.4671. They may also leave a tip with Crime Stoppers of Michigan at 800.SPEAK.UP.