- By Dana Casadei
Trending tacos
Detroit Taco Company – located at 304 N. Main Street, Royal Oak – is about to expand to a second location, four-and-a-half miles up the road in Troy. Owner Jeffrey Omtvedt said they are hoping for a soft opening in September, with a grand opening the following month at the Troy location, 2199 Crooks Road, between Maple and Big Beaver. While the new space is much smaller than the Royal Oak one – about 1,800-square-feet – the menu and what they strive for will be the same. “The whole point of Detroit Taco is to change the community one taco at a time,” Omtvedt said. “I believe the role of a small business is to take less of a percentage of profits and donate more of it back to the community that supports you.” They will continue to do this through their charity initiatives, like their Meaningful Monday Dining for Dollars initiative, which selects a charity each week, which receives a portion of the day’s proceeds. Within the next year, Omtvedt said they also have plans to open locations in Shelby Township and downtown Detroit.
Metro Intelligencer is a monthly column devoted to news stories, tidbits and gossip items about what's happening on the restaurant scene in the metro Detroit area. Metro Intelligencer is reported/created each month by Dana Casadei who can be reached at DanaCasadei@DowntownPublications.com with news items or tips, on or off the record.