Chain saw thief resists arrest, flees scene

A man stole a $400 chain saw from the Bloomfield Township Lowe's store, and when confronted, resisted arrest and took off, before finally being arrested.
On Thursday, October 18, Bloomfield Township police officers responded to Lowe's, 1801 Telegraph Road, for a retail fraud complaint. Officers were informed that a suspect known to store personnel from a previous retail fraud was in the store and under surveillance.
From observing the suspect, they saw him select a $400 Husqvarna chain saw and exit the store without paying. When the man was confronted, he resisted arrest and fled the scene.
Michael Ted Wasikowski was later arrested by officers and charged with resisting and obstructing, as well as with retail fraud.
Wasiksowski was arraigned on Thursday, October 25, at 48th District Court before Magistrate Julie Nelson-Klein. He was given a $200,000 cash/surety bond. His next court appearance is at 48th District Court on November 8 before Judge Diane D'Agostini.