Wendy's clerk steals credit card from customer
A 2 a.m. text message that there were suspicious charges on her credit card led a Bloomfield Township resident to contact police, who eventually learned a drive-thru attendant at Wendy's had stolen her card. On October 30 at 5 p.m., Bloomfield Township police responded to a home in the 2500 block of Alveston Drive, where a resident reported she had received a text message at 2 a.m. the night before from her credit card company regarding suspicious charges at a liquor store in Pontiac. The resident told officers she had last used her credit card at the Wendy's in Pontiac, and believed the drive-thru attendant had never returned her card. Police obtained the video surveillance from Wendy's, which showed 26-year-old Ariana Bonner of Pontiac, putting the credit card in her pocket and not returning it to the customer. Video surveillance from the liquor store in Pontiac showed Bonner using the credit card later that day. Bonner was arraigned at 48th District Court before Magistrate Julie Nelson-Klein on one count of illegally possessing/using a financial transaction device, and she was given a $20,000 cash/surety bond. Her next court date is scheduled for Thursday, December 28.