Sherman, Hoff on city clerk hiring committee
Birmingham City Commissioners Rackeline Hoff and Stuart Sherman will join city manager Joe Valentine and the human resources manager in conducting final interviews for a new city clerk and recommending a final candidate to the city commission. City clerk Cherilynn Mynsberge resigned in September, with Cheryl Arft serving as acting city clerk in the interim. The city commission began the process of hiring a new municipal clerk at its meeting on September 16, posting the position on the city's web site as well as municipal sites in Michigan to individuals in the profession. The position pays between $75,742 - $96,974 plus benefits. Applications were due back to the city's human resources department no later than 4 p.m. Friday, October 11. At their meeting on Monday, November 25, commissioners unanimously approved appointing a sub-committee comprised of the city manager, HR manager and two commissioners, of which Hoff and Sherman were nominated and unanimously appointed. Valentine said they will begin interviews the week of December 9, with plans to recommend the finalist and have that person appointed at the December 16 meeting. “We already have several qualified applications,” Valentine said.