Township simplifies financial hardship
In an effort to provide greater services to its residents, especially those experiencing financial hardship in light of the Covid-related economic crisis, Bloomfield Township Treasurer Brian Kepes and assessor Darrin Kraatz presented an updated and streamlined process of applying for hardship/poverty exemptions and waivers at the board of trustees meeting on Monday, June 8. “For our residents, asking for help isn't easy,” Kepes noted. “We put together a process to make it easier to navigate, and easier to apply in a dignified way.” The three key areas Bloomfield Township can provide financial assistance is through a property tax hardship/poverty exemption; waiver of solid waste (refuse) application; and minor home repair community development block grants (CDBG). Kraatz said they came up with a new application for all three programs, which are now simplified and run through the assessor's office. An application of deferral of summer taxes is available, but must go through the state of Michigan, as is the state Tax Commission Affidavit for Disabled Veterans exemption. All information received by the township is confidential. Trustees unanimously approved the updated and simplified process. “I think it's a great thing you put together for the residents,” said supervisor Leo Savoie.