Study on parking system postponed
Birmingham City Commissioners took no action on a review of the organizational structure of Birmingham's parking system at their meeting on Monday, October 26, noting the timing of the project was wrong with city management undergoing change. The proposal to solicit a proposal to have the organizational structure of Birmingham's parking structure reviewed by city contractor Nelson Nygaard was requested by commissioners Clinton Baller and Brad Host, and unanimously supported by the commission. Nelson Nygaard subcontractor Mission North presented the commission with a proposal to expand and evaluate the city's management models for the city's parking system, for a cost of $17,980. Baller said, “I think this is important to do. I don't know if the timing is right because of the upheaval with the city manager position. Perhaps a new manager would have experience with this and we wouldn't need this study.” “I concur,” said commissioner Mark Nickita, noting comments by commissioner Rackeline Hoff that the coronavirus pandemic had led to far less demand on the parking system, and the city did not yet know what the city's new needs may be. “I think putting this on hold for some time would be a good idea.”