BCTV Open House Monday, June 24
Bloomfield Community TV (BCTV) is opening its doors to the public for its second annual open house on Monday, June 24, from 5-7 p.m.
Visitors will get to pull back the curtain and get an up close look at the 1,000 square foot studio space and updated podcast studio. Whether you're interested in production or just fascinated by how “the sausage gets made,” the BCTV Open House allows curious eyes the opportunity to see how local community productions are created.
BCTV staff and current community producers will be on hand to answer questions and offer advice. In addition, there will be hot dogs and ice cream available for all attendees.
Following the open house, Cable and Community Relations Director Carrie LeZotte will present her annual report at the Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees meeting at 7 p.m.