City approves plans for second All Seasons
By Kevin Elliott
Plans for a second senior living complex near Elm and Maple were approved on Monday, March 8, by the Birmingham City Commission, making the way for 25 new apartments under the All Seasons 2 moniker.
The project, as proposed by Maple Elm Development (The Beztak Companies), includes a 1.5-story building with 25, two-bedroom luxury apartments. The property, located at 219 Elm, is adjacent to the existing 131-unit All Seasons 1, at 111. S. Elm Street, at the north end of the city’s Triangle District.
Birmingham City Planner Nicholas Dupuis said although the buildings are separate, residents of All Seasons 2 will have access to amenities available in the All Seasons 1 building, and a site connection plan was provided to the city.
“Although this purely residential model differs from the mixed-use developments that have been erected in the areas, the massing of the building and the proposed streetscape elements offer a similar experience from the pedestrian point-of-view,” Dupuis said.
Completed in 2015, the All Seasons Birmingham brand offers an active, resort-style independent living community. And, while the community is open to residents 55 and older, the majority are septuagenarians or older. All Seasons 2 will appeal to seniors more between 55 and late-sexagenarians.
The new building will feature 25 two-bedroom units ranging from 1,191-square feet to 1,662 square feet. Ten of the units will have attached garages, with surface parking and carports available. The plans also call for a rooftop patio.
In December 2020, the Birmingham Planning Board recommended the city commission approve the final site plan, with seven conditions related to setbacks, building height, rooftop use, screening and lighting. The following month, the board recommended the commission approve a special land use permit for the project.
Commissioners questioned if all of the conditions required by the planning board had been met, and whether the impact on adjacent properties had been considered.
“This is a significant project,” commissioner Mark Nickita said. “Years ago, we kept getting plans without impact studies of adjacent properties … that seems to be missing … do we have that information, and what is the proximity of the property, what is the requirement and is that met here?”
Birmingham Planning Director Jana Ecker said the planning board did look at the proximity of residential neighbors to the east, but wasn’t as concerned about commercial or business properties. Dupuis also noted that an existing conditions plan was submitted by the applicant and met the city’s requirements.
Commissioners unanimously approved the site plan and special land use permit.
Mark Highlen, project manager with The Beztak Companies, said the new building is taller than All Seasons 1, but has a smaller overall footprint and mass.
“The construction goal is to work through the process and start demolition in early spring, with on-site construction maybe in the summer,” he said. “It’s hard to tell at this point. We would be starting as soon as we can.”