City manager evaluation system approved
By Mark H. Stowers
During the special session of the Birmingham City Commission on Monday, July 29, the commission took up the matter of how to best enact an evaluation system for the city manager.
A one-year review is upcoming for city manager Jana Ecker. Four different options were provided as examples to create a performance evaluation structure, although one was removed from consideration for not being fully developed.
The city of Austin city manager performance review has a quantitative score sheet that covers multiple categories of performance criteria and a narrative comments section. The score sheet has a 1-5 rating scale with one equaling poor, which is a rarely met performance standard, up to five, meaning excellent, in terms of exceeding the performance standard.
The evaluation includes performance areas covering individual characteristics; professional skills and status; relations with elected members of the governing body; policy execution, reporting, citizen relations, staffing, supervision, fiscal management; and community. Each area has five points to rank.
The narrative section for Austin's performance review has four areas for city commission members to expound upon the city manager’s strengths, areas to improve, suggestions or assistance and any other comments to add regarding priorities, goals and objectives.
The performance evaluation from the city of Austin, Texas, drew support from city commission.
A motion was made by commissioner Brad Host and seconded by commissioner Clinton Baller to have the city manager performance evaluation of the city of Austin prepared for evaluation and review. The motion passed unanimously.