Historic railroad depot restaurant addition okayed
By Grace Lovins
The former Birmingham railroad depot restaurant that is turning into an Italian steak house restaurant is getting a slight exterior makeover after city commissioners approved a 400-square foot addition to the building during the Monday, April 15, meeting.
Big Rock Italian Chophouse, to be located at 245 S. Eton, is set to be one of 46 restaurants owned and operated by Cameron Mitchell Restaurants, LLC. Ocean Prime in Troy is part of CMR’s line of restaurants. Original plans for the new restaurant were approved by the city commission last August. The site previously was Big Rock Chophouse in Birmingham before closing its doors in 2019.
Planning director Nick Dupuis said there were no significant changes aside from the addition. He said the addition will be purely second floor space, which was stated during the city’s planning board review to be for an exclusive club space. Both the historic district commission and the planning board recommended approval of the special land use permit amendment.
Dupuis also noted that the restaurant will be making some minor changes to the outdoor dining area and pergola that was originally proposed.
After very little discussion from the commission, a unanimous 7-0 vote was made to approve the special land use permit amendment.