Man misplaces pass, cash, calls police
Birmingham police used a K-9 unit and questioned a pedestrian in relation to a theft on Saturday, January 30 in the 1700 block of E. 14 Mile, but ended the investigation after the victim discovered he simply misplaced the items.
Officers responded about 11:27 p.m. to the report of a theft from a vehicle. It is believed the victim was a 60-year-old man who told officers he was removing items from his vehicle when he noticed a black man walking down the sidewalk. The man then noticed his door was slightly open and his parking pass and $50 were missing from the vehicle. Officers from both Birmingham and Bloomfield Township responded and questioned the pedestrian.
The victim later contacted the Birmingham Police Department to say he found the parking pass and money – inside the vehicle, misidentifying the black pedestrian as a suspect.
Police reclassified the incident from a “larceny” to “suspicious circumstances.”