Office building on Telegraph receives approval
By Lisa Brody
A site plan for a new two-story office building on Telegraph north of Square Lake Road, proposed by Jim Evola, owner of Evola Music, and Kalabat Entity LLC, received approval from the Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees at their meeting on Monday, April 25.
Andrea Bibby, deputy director of planning, building and ordinance, explained that in 2019, Evola and Kalabat had filed a joint site plan which included a request to rezone the vacant subject parcels from B-1 local business district to B-3 general business district and construct a three story building. At the time, when they went before the zoning board of appeals (ZBA), variances were denied. To questions from trustees, Bibby explained the differences from B-1 to B-3 include the type of tenants, from local businesses to national, which can be leased.
Evola and Kalabat submitted a new site plan to develop two vacant parcels just south of Bloomfield Place Drive for a two-story 14,120-square foot office building, adjacent to Evola Music, 2184 Telegraph, with site improvements, including overflow parking for Evola and shared parking and access agreement for both property users. Bibby said 52 parking spots are required, and 64 spots are provided. There would be two access drives to the new building from southbound Telegraph.
The building is proposed to be built of brick with metal sconces.
She said the applicants went before the ZBA on March 8, 2022, and requested and were granted variances for temporarily encroaching into the natural features setback for the construction of the parking lot and a retaining wall near the northerly parking area, and for the installation of trees within the natural features setback.
Iden Kalabat, president of Kalabat Engineering, said the first floor of the building would be leased out as rental space, possibly as medical space, and they would occupy the second floor.
“It's a nice building and I wish you well,” said treasurer Brian Kepes.