Small cell wireless ordinances updated
By Lisa Brody
Bloomfield Township trustees unanimously approved two ordinance code updates to amend small cell wireless communications facilities for in right-of-ways and and a resolution for facility fees at their meeting on Monday, January 11.
Township attorney Derk Beckerleg explained the first ordinance amendment was to add to the definition of the Small Cell Wireless Act of 2018, to give the township authorization to do work in the public right of way and maintain facilities in the right of way. It also permits the collocation of small cell wireless facilities “on or adjacent to an existing wireless support structure or utility pole.”
A second ordinance amendment clarified the definition of wireless communications facilities.
A resolution to approve a fee schedule passed unanimously without discussion.
The approved fee schedule for application for new wireless support structures or modifications of existing wireless support structure is $1,000; new small wireless facility or modification of existing small wireless facility, $500. Application fees for deployments in right of way are $200 per small wireless facility and $200 per small wireless facility requiring a new or replacement pole.
Annual rates of $20 per year apply per utility pole or wireless support structure a company has collocated a small wireless facility and $125 per year after March 12, 2019.