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Township clerk offering more passport services
As more U.S. resident plan to travel outside the United States this summer, the State Department is warning processing for passports is at all-time highs, and to offer assistance to residents, the Bloomfield Township Clerk's Office is offering additional evening walk-in hours for passport services.
The U.S. State Department recently announced that the regular processing time for a new passport is 10-13 weeks, not including mailing, and expedited processing time is seven-nine weeks, not including mailing. That means the sooner you apply, the sooner these timelines start to run.
To help residents timely receive new passports, new walk-in hours will be available at the clerk’s office. The clerk’s office will be open for this service from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning Wednesday, April 5. Other dates are Monday, April 10; Wednesday, April 19; and Wednesday, April 26.
Additional dates will be added if demand is sufficient.
Regular appointments for passports are still available during the week, Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
“Many residents come to us for passport processing only to find out their trip is approaching faster than the current turnaround time. These extended hours are an effort to provide the first-class service our residents expect. Please don’t wait a second longer to book your appointment or drop-in during these special walk-in hours,” said clerk Martin C. Brook.