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Township helps restaurants with relief
By Lisa Brody
Bloomfield Township Supervisor Dani Walsh updated the township board about efforts to provide restaurants with an Oakland County relief grant program at the board meeting on Monday, February 22.
“It's to help those bars and restaurants that were truly impacted,” by the COVID-19 pandemic, Walsh explained.
A total of $61,000 is available to Bloomfield Township. Walsh said that no more than $5,000 would be allocated to any one establishment because so many are in need.
This is for the second phase of the grant application of a grant program from Oakland County to support dine-in restaurants, bars and cafes during COVID-19. “The Oakland Together Restaurant Relief Grant Program for Cities, Villages and Townships (CVTs) is using $3 million from the county’s General Fund – as approved by Oakland County Executive David Coulter and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners – to support dine-in restaurants, bars and cafes impacted by COVID-19 and the related public health orders.”
Walsh said the township did not work on the first phase, but this phase will help establishments with costs associated with creating and expanding outdoor dining opportunities by adapting operations for outdoor service; and providing products, supplies and services to assist dine-in restaurants, bars and cafes in operating safety and re-opening.
Among the costs the county will reimburse establishments for are outdoor propane heaters, propane tank refills and delivery, Snap & Grow brand greenhouses, igloos and domes, electrostatic sprayers and disinfectant solution, along with some labor costs.
Email inquiries can be made to restaurantrelief@oakgov.com.