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Water, sewer rates stay same for Bloomfield Hills
By Lisa Brody
Residents living in Bloomfield Hills will not see either their water or sewer rates increase for fiscal year 2022-2023, which begins July 1, after city commissioners unanimously approved resolutions at their meeting on Tuesday, June 14, to maintain the same rates as the current fiscal year.
The water rate pass through from Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) and Southeastern Oakland County Water Authority (SOCWA) will remain at $47.96 per metered cubic foot (MCF) used and $43.75 per meter equivalent unit (MEU) fixed quarterly charge is necessary.
For sewer rates, the sanitary sewer rate is $35.58 per MCF of water sales, and a $15 per MEU quarterly charge is necessary.
A review of the rate recommendations was done by Hubbell, Roth & Clark, the city's engineering servicer, which analyzed the rates and the services.
Commissioners voted 4-0 to approve, with commissioner Brad Baxter absent.