Wattles closing for concrete repairs May 17-24
Wattles Road at Kensington Road in Bloomfield Township is closing from Friday, May 17, through Friday, May 24, for concrete repairs, the Road Commission for Oakland County announced.
During the closure, access to homes and side streets on Wattles Road will be maintained from the east. However, Wattles Road traffic will not be able to access Kensington Road during the work. Kensington Road will remain open during the work but traffic will not be able to turn onto Wattles Road.
The detour for through traffic is Wattles Road to Charing Cross Road to Kensington Road and vice versa.
The work is being done in advance of a 2024 planned simple resurfacing/short-term paving on Wattles Road, Charing Cross to Kensington Road, which will provide a smooth driving surface. Additionally, Charing Cross Road from Wattles Road to Woodward Avenue (M-1) will also be resurfaced.