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Consider Rosemary Bayer


I read you, faithfully, and I am very disappointed that you would so quickly dismiss Rosemary Bayer, Democrat candidate for District 12, State Senate in favor of (Republican) Michael McCready (Endnote/July).

Rosemary has been endorsed by hundreds of progressive, smart, savvy individual leaders in our community; as well as at least 25 leading organizations because she is who she is – a community activist, entrepreneur, engineer, leader, wife/mother who has never accepted the status quo, when the status quo is clearly not helping Michigan citizens.

You, on the other hand, are endorsing a candidate who has had plenty of time in Lansing to make a difference, and hasn't. Really? Perhaps it is time to rethink this?

Rosemary ran unopposed in the primary, but will be mounting a vigorous campaign for the general election. I would suggest you may want to re-think your position, based on her selfless track record and intelligence, vs. that of established politicians who had led little.

I am really disappointed in you, for the first time since I adopted Michigan, over three decades ago, and found you, quite a while ago.

Kathleen Norton-Schock

Bloomfield Township

(Publisher note: Downtown’s endorsements were for the primary election only. All candidates in the November election will be given equal consideration.)

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